• Replace boring icons with colorful, extraordinary alternatives.
• Automatically create folder icons; no drawing required.
• Automatically create thumbnail preview icons of all your graphics files.
• Touch up icons with a powerful editor.
• Manage icon libraries effortlessly— A huge icon library is included.
See the contents of a graphic file without opening it:
MacPaint, Startup Screen, QuickTime, EPS, GIFF, PhotoShop, PICS, PICT, and TIFF filenames usually don’t always accurately describe the images they contain. Our solution: using a miniature of the image itself as the file’s icon. Just drag and drop graphic files onto the Icon Mania application. “Thumbnail” icons are then automatically created. You can even select a particular portion of the picture to use as the thumbnail icon.
Like X-ray vision into your Folders:
Know the contents of a folder without opening it— just glance at the folder’s custom icon. For example, how often do you actually search for the System folder by name? It’s more likely that you quickly spot the distinctive little Mac on the System folder, right? Now any of your folders can have miniature application icons stamped on them. So you can store all your word processing documents in a distinctive MacWrite folder, or spreadsheets in a unique Excel folder.
Icon Mania comes with a huge collection of custom folder icons, including designs for almost all Mac applications. If you don’t find one for your favorite program, don’t despair. Icon Mania has a nifty feature to automatically create custom folder icons based any other icon.
The complete icon creation tool:
Even though Icon Mania comes with a large assortment of icons, it’s fun creating your own using the thumbnailing and folderizing features.
But the ultimate is our powerful icon editor— built right into Icon Mania. Just double-click any icon to edit it on a pixel-by-pixel basis, using the editor’s many painting and drawing tools.
The fast way to change and organize all your icons:
Just open the Icon Mania application, and drag a custom icon on top of an icon you want changed. Viola! Instant modification, and instant gratification. Icon Mania is so easy to use that even adults can quickly customize their desktop in minutes!
And Icon Mania makes managing large groups of custom icons a breeze by storing them in icon library files. Ease of use, versatility, and thumbnailing makes Icon Mania the ultimate icon utility. Packed with a huge collection of custom icons, Icon Mania is by far the best source for all of your icons.
Requirements: System 7, 8 or newer & color-capable Mac.